H e r e ' s a w a y
k e e p
y o u r R o s a c e a i n
.. Por less.*
* G o t o O r r t c e A . c o m
f o r
p vo^ vam
d e t a i l s
a b o ^ t t h e
O r a c e a R x S a v e r C a r d .
Oracea® is a capsule
that works from within.
Don't let your skin behave badly. Those bumps and blemishes that sometimes
resemble acne could be Rosacea. It's a medical condition, and there's a medical
treatment called Oracea® Ask your doctor about once-daily prescription Oracea,®
the only cap su le approved to help reduce the bum ps and blem ishes of R osacea.
It works from the inside, targeting the chronic inflammation that causes flare-ups.
With Oracea,® you can do something about your Rosacea - instead of just wondering
what your skin is up to.
Once-daily 40 mg'Capsules
Learn more at O race a .co m
or call
/ r i n v \ m \ / n l i n n I I Q D )
*30 mS immediate release &
l u , U O r J
10 mg delayed release beads
Help d is c ip lin e youv skin , vw ifk O w ice*i®
O R A CE A is indicated only for the treatment of inflam m atory lesions (papules and pustules) of R osacea in adult
patients. You m ay experience intestinal upsets, sore throat or sinus infections/sinusitis when taking O racea . Do
not take O racea if you are allergic to tetracyclines. O ra cea m ay cause harm to a developing fetus, so do not take
O racea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. As with other tetracyclines, you should stay out of direct or artificial
sunlight, and make sure you tell your doctor if you have stomach or GI problems, kidney disease, have a yeast or
fungal infection, take blood thinners, take oral contraceptives, or take m edicine to treat acne, psoriasis or seizures.
O racea does not treat bacterial infections. To minimize the risk of developing bacterial resistance, O racea should be used
only as prescribed by your doctor. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA.
Visit w w w .fda.gov/m edw atch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Oracea and Galderma are registered trademarks of Galderma Laboratories, L.P. ©2009 Galderma Laboratories, L.P Galderma Laboratories, L.P. 14501 N. Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76177 ORA-375 Printed In USA 09/09
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